Attend SCA-certified courses conducted by Sumanth Paranjape, Assistant Food and Beverage Manager (ARAKU Coffee). Sumanth is also an Authorised SCA Trainer (AST) and offers the highest quality of instruction for beginning baristas, roasters, and the serious and curious coffee connoisseur.

All the courses are hosted at Araku World Specialty Coffee Academy (AWSCA), located at our flagship in Bangalore, Indiranagar. The academy is equipped with top-of-the-line tools and an in-house roastery. ⁠The Coffee Skills Program at AWSCA consists of three different modules: Introduction to Coffee for beginners and coffee-enthusiasts, and specialised courses such as Barista Skills and Sensory Skills in different levels. The courses range from 1-5 days with an opportunity for practical and written online exams to receive SCA certification.

5 Points

Barista Skills: Foundation

The Barista Skills Foundation Course is ideal for someone who wants to learn more about espresso-based coffee as a home barista or wants to become a professional barista. By the end of the course, you will be confident in brewing traditional espresso drinks and be able to use the machine and grinder. A written exam will test course knowledge, while a practical exam will test skills based on the working activities in the course.

  • Sophisticated tasting methodology and descriptive explanation of coffee flavours
  • Gain a detailed understanding of how to maximise drink quality through ingredients and techniques
  • Understand how to develop brew recipes and a systematic method of structuring beverage menus; and be able to consistently apply the highest standard of latte art and milk-steaming techniques

Course length

8 hours (1 day)

10 points

Barista Skills: Intermediate

The Barista Skills Intermediate Course is ideal for someone with barista skills who wants to learn how to enhance coffee quality and prepare for more complex job functions as a barista. This is an interactive course, offering an in-depth understanding of coffee. A written exam will test course knowledge, while a practical exam will assess ability in terms of grinder calibration, espresso extraction analysis, latte art skills and drink construction.

  • An in-depth understanding of coffee, particularly of how the flavour of a coffee is impacted by its variety, origins and processing methods
  • The parameters of coffee quantity, grind texture, water quality and shot-time, and their interaction during a brew recipe
  • Drink construction and taste differences
    Workflow management and efficiency
  • Sensory aspects of the espresso extraction
    Milk handling and techniques
  • Latte art
    Health and safety protocols, customer service and basic business practices

Course length

16 hours (2 days)


Barista Skills: Professional

On this three-day course you will be taught the cutting-edge concepts and techniques of the best Specialty Coffee Baristas, making this course essential for Baristas, trainers and dedicated coffee professionals.
This course is accredited by the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) – if you take the optional exam ($385) you will earn 25 points toward your SCA Coffee Skills Program.

  • Explore, design, and evaluate brew recipes that are specific to the coffee, machinery, and environment that you work in
  • In-depth into espresso extraction
  • Analyse café design, workflow layout, and financial management
  • Explore water chemistry, and you will learn how to test water, the effect on flavour, and how to use different filtration methods to optimise your water to SCA standards

Course length

24 hours (3 days)

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Introduction to coffee
Perfect for beginning your journey with specialty coffee.

Barista Skills
Perfect for beginning your journey with specialty coffee.